Fact Check: Immigrants In Slovakia Are NOT Part Of Plan To Replace White Race

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Fact Check: Immigrants In Slovakia Are NOT Part Of Plan To Replace White Race Conspiracy

Is there a plan for mixing and replacing Europeans with other races through immigration in Slovakia? No, that's not true: The so called l plan is a far-right conspiracy theory similar to the so-called "great replacement theory" in which nonwhite races mix with and ultimately replace the white race. While the number of migrants in Slovakia is increasing this year, immigrants are mostly people fleeing from war-torn countries and do not represent an organized effort to mix with or destroy the white race.

The claim appeared in a video on TikTok (archived here) published by @dannykollardkx on August 24, 2023, with the title "#dannykollar #stefanhamran." It has a caption that reads (translated from Slovak to English by Lead Stories staff):

Our families should be enjoying the last sunny days, but they have to spend the time at home due to migrants staying at the playgrounds. Our families are afraid to go out.

This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:

Snímka obrazovky 2023-08-28 o 8.06.46.png

(Source: TikTok screenshot taken on Mon Aug 28 06:03:26 2023 UTC)

The creator of the video refers to the conspiracy theory by showing a screenshot of an ad on Amazon for "Practical Idealism: The Kalergi Plan to destroy European peoples Paperback - January 14, 2019." In the post, video showing immigrants in Slovakia are accompanied by screenshots of the ad for the so-called "plan." While the unidentified speaker in the video doesn't specifically talk about the elimination of the white race, the link is drawn by showing images of the book beside video of immigrants.

According to the portal Myth Detector, the Kalergi Plan is an anti-Semitic and far-right conspiracy theory started in Nazi Germany. It claimed Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi devised a plan to mix the white race with other races and make the white race disappear. In fact, in his book "Practical Idealism," Kalergi doesn't plan for the extinction of the white race, but talks about the process of racial integration and suggests that people of the distant future will be of mixed race.

Martyn Bond, the author of a biography of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, says that conspiracy theories that say Kalergi's goal was to make the white race disappear by racial mixing is a gross misinterpretation of his work. Kalergi, Bond says, was a supporter of European integration and believed that integration would create an opportunity to avoid a world war.

The author of the post who goes by the user name Danny Kollar is a pseudonym for a 41-year-old Slovak man named Daniel Bombic, whose videos and posts usually contain profanity, antisemitism or homophobia, says portal Dennik N. Slovak courts have issued three arrest warrants for Bombic, who has lived in London for a long time. According to the server Živé.sk, they relate to the suspicion of spreading extremist material, cyberbullying and the publication of personal data of people who displeased Bombic.

Currently, Slovak police have issued an arrest warrant for Daniel Bombic.

This is the Slovak police post with Bombic's mug shot:

Snímka obrazovky 2023-08-28 o 11.41.17.png

(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Mon Aug 28 08:03:26 2023 UTC)

And this is a photo of Danny Kollar from another TikTok video he created. The resemblance to the mug shot above is striking.

Snímka obrazovky 2023-08-28 o 11.44.44.png

(Source: TikTok screenshot from account @dannykollardkx taken on Mon Aug 28 08:13:22 2023 UTC)

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